Elichrome deflectors

cena na dan; kjer ne piše drugače kavcija 100€
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Prevzem/vračilo je v Kamniku (občasno, ob doplačilu možno Lj).
Pred obiskom pokličete 041 241 566, da se dogovorimo za uro in potem točno lokacijo.


The Elinchrom Deflector Set gives photographers the freedom to easily modify the hardness / softness of their lights. Deflectors can eliminate, soften or tone sharp shadow edges. Very efficient with the Elinchrom softbox and reflector range. Just connect a rod to your chosen deflector and slot it into the umbrella tube on your Elinchrom flash head.

  • The centered umbrella tube, enables you the choice of which Deflector to be used with a wide range of Elinchrom heads and accessories.
  • With the front diffuser removed, the Portalite softbox is effectively a fold up beauty dish, the only difference being that any catch-light from the Portalite will be square, where with a beauty dish it would be round.
  • With the Portalite assembled without the diffuser, the direct flash light creates a very hard edged shadow, which is partially filled in with the softer but un-diffused light reflecting from the silver fabric of the softbox.
  • Each deflector when fitted, simply modifies the relative proportions of the hard direct light from the flashtube, and the softer reflected un-diffused light from the silver fabric.
  • The translucent and clear deflectors allow some direct light but diffuse it to a greater or lesser extent.
  • The silver and gold deflectors completely block the direct light from the flashtube, removing harsh edged shadows and leaving just the light that has hit the modifier.

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