Elichrome deflectors
The Elinchrom Deflector Set gives photographers the freedom to easily modify the hardness / softness of their lights. Deflectors can eliminate, soften or tone sharp shadow edges. Very efficient with the Elinchrom softbox and reflector range. Just connect a rod to your chosen deflector and slot it into the umbrella tube on your Elinchrom flash head.
- The centered umbrella tube, enables you the choice of which Deflector to be used with a wide range of Elinchrom heads and accessories.
- With the front diffuser removed, the Portalite softbox is effectively a fold up beauty dish, the only difference being that any catch-light from the Portalite will be square, where with a beauty dish it would be round.
- With the Portalite assembled without the diffuser, the direct flash light creates a very hard edged shadow, which is partially filled in with the softer but un-diffused light reflecting from the silver fabric of the softbox.
- Each deflector when fitted, simply modifies the relative proportions of the hard direct light from the flashtube, and the softer reflected un-diffused light from the silver fabric.
- The translucent and clear deflectors allow some direct light but diffuse it to a greater or lesser extent.
- The silver and gold deflectors completely block the direct light from the flashtube, removing harsh edged shadows and leaving just the light that has hit the modifier.